Occasionally, just occasionally, we stop talking about wine. It seems rude not to share some of the other random stuff we come across, as we know that Wine Conversationalist listeners and readers are a pretty discerning bunch.
Château Chic
When you turn up at one of Bordeaux’s grand châteaux you invariably have to walk across some of the most pristine gravel ever raked (one first growth has two men in blue overalls permanently raking).
Years of experience has led me to realise that any form of heel is destined to be ruined. On your visit you will encounter immaculately turned out French women, poised and elegant, greeting you without a scuff on their shoes, a hair out of place, so the best advice for borrowing a bit of “château chic” is buy a decent pair of gravel-proof shoes. Luckily Cordings of Picadilly sell the most stylish brogues, and fortuitously in Bordeaux rouge. Just don’t tell your hosts they were made in Spain. www.cordings.co.uk